Picture Gallery

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fans Meet Henry, Their Pub Pics

These fans met Henry in London and didn't miss the opportunity to get some great pics with him.

Thanks, everyone!


  1. Wow, this looks like a cool bar or restaurant in London. Good to know where it is to meet Henry! Lucky you guys got to meet him :)

  2. Really lovely pictures and so sweet of Henry to pose for them on his night out.

  3. That is SUPER awesome!!! Henry Cavill is one of my favorite actors. Been keeping up with him since the Count of Monte Cristo, another one of my favorite movies.

    1. You've been keeping up with for a long time! I only started 7 years ago!

  4. I met Henry in cambridge few years back he is very polite and let me take a pic with him top dude πŸ‘πŸ»

  5. Met him as an extra on a movie. Didn't have a chance to get a photo before the end of the movie shoot.

  6. It’s very nice that Henry takes the time to see his fans!

  7. Awesome 🌟 photos. Gosh henry looks even better IRL. I can't wait, til he visits Australia... One day.


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