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Monday, November 30, 2015

Supes Looking Fierce In New 'Batman v Superman' Teaser

It's heeeere!

The Gotham fall finale delivered a new teaser from Batman v Superman. Check it out.

The clip gave us a peek at a new trailer that will be released Wednesday, on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Here's a bit of what the Hollywood trades had to say..

USA Today:

The short clip is literally a staring contest between Batman and Superman (who apparently thinks masks are silly). Everyone's super serious about the whole affair, too (..) But don't worry, you'll get to see more of these incredible brooding stares on Wednesday's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, because apparently that's where nerd things happen on television now.


We’ll save a fuller reaction for then, but it’s worth noting, since everyone on social media is talking about it, that this is probably not the film’s actual portrayal of Superman. My guess is that we just saw a paranoid nightmare Batman has about a world ruled by Superman.

Dream sequence or not, we can't wait to see the full trailer. We're staying on top of the very latest for you, as we count down to March 25, 2016.

Team Supes all the way!

Henry on 'Best Dressed' List, UK U.N.C.L.E. Blu-ray Countdown

New York premiere of The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

It looks like those sharp Dunhill suits are paying off ;)

Harper's Bazaar just came out with its list of the Best Dressed Men of 2015, and Henry is on it!

The magazine used the pic of the cool outfit Henry wore to The Man from U.N.C.L.E. premiere in London, but as you know he wore Dunhill throughout the press tour.

Toronto premiere of The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

In fact Henry was in Shanghai with Dunhill just a few weeks ago, as he mentioned in his latest Instagram/FB posts. 

The 'Best Dressed' title is well deserved!  

Henry has also been getting a lot of praise for his portrayal as the dapper Solo in U.N.C.L.E.

And the Blu-ray and DVD are about to be released in the UK!

You can also try your chance at winning a copy. Good luck, and have a great week everyone.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

'Sand Castle' Production: Latest Pics & Videos From Jordan

Screenwriter Chris Roessner, today posted a gorgeous shot from the Sand Castle set in Jordan (you can see some of the actors in the background). Earlier this week we got a first look at Henry and his furry costar, after he arrived to film his scenes as Captain Syverson following his trip to China. The rest of the pics were shared by director Fernando Coimbra and Henry's costars (some of them are from tonight), and we even got a little video from one of the sets. Filming is set to wrap in about a month, we can't wait to see more of Henry in this film.

"Desert, cold night" posted by director Fernando Coimbra

A photo posted by Logan Marshall-Green (@elemgy) on

A photo posted by Glen Powell (@glenpowell) on

A photo posted by Alix William (@alixwilliam) on

A photo posted by Alix William (@alixwilliam) on

A photo posted by Dane Ensley (@daneensley) on

A photo posted by Dane Ensley (@daneensley) on

A photo posted by navidnegahban (@navidnegahban) on

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Flashback Saturday: Beanie Time in Salt Lake City!

Do you know where Superman buys his Christmas trees? @moderndisplay, of course! Come on in today for some super #smallbusinesssaturday deals, up to 35% off! Also, enjoy this picture of Superman at our Christmas tree pickup. 🎁 #shopsmall #superman #henrycavill #christmastrees

A photo posted by Modern Display (@moderndisplay) on Nov 28, 2015 at 7:27am PST

A  Salt Lake City shop has just shared their wintry photo with Henry. He was there training for Batman v Superman in December of 2013, when he walked in to get ready for the holidays.

Here are the rest of the pics from that day. The fan who posted the photo went on to say that Henry was "such a nice guy," and "so fun to work with."

Right now Henry is filming Sand Castle in Jordan which wraps in January, but hopefully this year he gets to be home for Christmas.

Friday, November 27, 2015

New 'Batman v Superman' Footage To Air Monday During Gotham

Angry Supes is what we live for!

Fox has confirmed the news we've been waiting to hear.. new Batman v Superman footage is coming on Monday. The sneak peek will air during Gotham's mid-season finale, and you know Supes is gonna BRING IT.

We'll post the new clip as soon as it's up. The countdown starts now!

P.S. Check out the new image of a fierce Supes on a Batman v Superman companion novel being released in February. Batman-news.com came across it on Amazon today.

The pic of Batman is also new, and the book will include new images from the film. You can pre-order it now.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving From You, Us, And Henry!

Four months away!

That's all we could think of when we saw that lovely Thanksgiving post. And then Lex shared his holiday message.. and freaked us out a bit.

In all seriousness, today many of us will be celebrating Thanksgiving. And aside from the obvious gratitude for our families and our troops who are out there risking their lives so we can have our freedom, we would also like to thank YOU.

We wouldn't be here without you helping us support Henry in any way we can. From sending in holiday wishes for him, to cheering for him and his latest projects, to helping him raise funds for his charity work, you guys have been the best. So thank you, we really do appreciate you for helping us keep the blog a positive place for Henry.

We take our cue from him. Henry is a person who takes the time to thank each fan who asks for a pic or autograph, all the way up to the designer house which for years has supported him and believed in him and his career (and keeps him looking dashing at red carpet events). 

So our last thanks this year go out to him, for inspiring this blog. You're a good man Henry Cavill, and we're very proud to support you in everything you do. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

P.S. It looks like Henry is enjoying a Thanksgiving meal in Jordan via producer Justin Nappi. :)

Henry's Latest Message On Social Media: Adopt Ben The Bat

Henry is back on social media with a message of conservation!

Just last week Durrell Wildlife released a new interview with their ambassador, where Henry talked about his encounter with the bats at the Jersey park and why it's so important to save them. During his recent visit he got to meet "Ben," who he adopted and now so can you!

Check out the new video of Henry hanging out with the bats, and learn how you can adopt Ben.

When you visit cavillconservation.com, you can also sign up for Henry's latest updates and find the best holiday gifts while helping him save endangered animals. Don't miss out!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Composer Shares Playlist Of 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E.' Influences

As we get ready to enjoy a nice Thanksgiving meal (thank you Solo for the imagery), composer Daniel Pemberton has made our holiday plans even better!

If you haven't checked out the soundtrack for the film, don't miss out.

Pemberton also shared some pics of his The Man from U.N.C.L.E. vinyl released earlier this month.

The film is now out on Blu-ray/DVD/Digital HD in the U.S. -- The UK gets it December 7th!

Gif: Lockedroom.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

First Pics Of Captain Syverson On The 'Sand Castle' Set

#sandcastle movie set, Aika with the lead actor right @henrycavill waiting for #action. On the left when she was getting her coat fixed and up she's just cuddling #caninersdogtraining #jo #jordandog #instadogs #beautifuldogs #DDR #cute #dreamdogs #doggies #black #tan #color #mydog #dogtraining #allaboutdogs #germanshepherd #workingdog #workline #showdog #showline #GSD #dog #doglovers #puppies #puppy #pyppytraining #training #puppylovers

A photo posted by T'haghepsau Inal (@caninersdogtraining) on Nov 24, 2015 at 10:23am PST

Hello, Captain Syverson!

After keeping us on pins and needles for close to a month, Henry has finally made an appearance on the Sand Castle set in Jordan (next to director Fernando Coimbra). And we couldn't have asked for a better shot -- Check out the camo shorts and that flashy gun!

Henry is apparently working with Aika, a German Shepherd who we're guessing plays one of the dogs used by the U.S. military to help them avoid improvised explosive devices or IEDs.

A photo posted by Logan Marshall-Green (@elemgy) on

In the film Henry plays a Special Forces Captain stationed in Baqubah, where Nicholas Hoult's character (Matt Ocre) is sent with his unit to repair a broken water system.  

Sand Castle is set during the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq in 2003, and is based on screenwriter Chris Roessner's experience as a machine gunner during that time.

We've been keeping up with the rest of the cast since filming began November 1st, and a few days ago Coimbra shared some new photos from the set.

Filming is set to wrap in early January, look for updates from Jordan as they come in.

Stay safe, Henry.

P.S. We apparently missed that Henry is wearing a Punisher t-shirt and a fan let us have it on Instagram. Marvel fans can be so touchy.. :p

In any case The Punisher is known as an anti-hero, so does the shirt have any sort of meaning or is it just a badass style choice for Captain Syverson? (Time did a really good piece on the history of the character's logo and how it's been used in Iraq). We can't wait to learn more about Henry's role in Sand Castle!

UPDATE: The dog training business has shared a second photo of Henry & his costar Aika.

Here's Aika again with @henrycavill at the #sandcastle movie set #caninersdogtraining #jo #jordandog #instadogs #beautifuldogs #DDR #cute #dreamdogs #doggies #black #tan #color #mydog #dogtraining #allaboutdogs #germanshepherd #workingdog #workline #showdog #showline #GSD #dog #doglovers #puppies #puppy #pyppytraining #training #puppylovers

A photo posted by T'haghepsau Inal (@caninersdogtraining) on Nov 24, 2015 at 10:54pm PST

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Featurette & TV Spot - UK, You're Next!

The long holiday weekend is almost here (U.S.), and if you still haven't watched/bought The Man from U.N.C.L.E. we have a few more new teasers to help convince you that you need to own it now.

The 'Meet The Characters' featurette shares some cool highlights, and don't miss this awesome behind the scenes clip included in the Blu-ray extras..

A new TV spot was also released, since you can also catch the film on Digital HD.

U.N.C.L.E. fans have shown their love for Solo and the rest of the cast through their artwork, and some of the creations were even chosen to use as promotional material for the film. You can see some of the awesome work below..

There are still some contests running in connection with the Blu-ray/DVD release of the movie. Click on the links to enter..

And we knew Solo's stare was hard to resist, and apparently even pets can't turn away.. ;)

UK, just a few more weeks until you get to bring home your copy of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. -- Pre-order it here.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Batman v Superman: Warner Brothers Ready To Go!

With just four months to go until Batman v Superman, the two have secured their spot at the Warner Brothers lot in Burbank.

Erin was the first one to spot the new posters that just went up by the main entrance to the studios. Here are our pics and video.


There were rumors we might be getting a new trailer by Thanksgiving (with the release of Creed), but so far nothing has materialized. However producer Charles Roven did tell Collider we're definitely seeing one before the year is over. The anticipation is killing us!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Henry On Almost Becoming A Royal Marine, How Acting Helped Him Escape Bullies

London based Loaded men's magazine, has just relaunched as a digital publication and they have a new interview with Henry!

In it he talks about almost becoming a Royal Marine (which he now represents through their charity):

“My brother Niki is a bit of a ninja and I probably would have joined the Royal Marines if acting hadn’t worked out. That would have been my target.”

He also mentions how acting helped him escape bullies when he was in school:

“I was bullied, but no-one could make fun of me when I was playing a character on stage, because it was what I was told to do. The bullies told me, ‘Actually, you were quite good in that’. It felt so good that I thought acting was probably something I should pursue.”

And what about that journey of 1,000 miles that mentor Russell Crowe mentioned when Henry asked him for acting advice?

“I think I’m probably creeping up towards the 2,000-mile mark of that journey now. I’m on the next portion of the journey now… to the mountain range.”

The journalist who wrote the article, seemed to shade it with his personal view of the military. So keep that in mind when you're reading his full interview with Henry. You can check it out at Loaded magazine

This week Henry also landed on Vulture's list of "Most Valuable Stars of 2015."

Henry came in at #70 ahead of stars like Nicole Kidman, Robert De Niro, Russell Crowe, and Jessica Chastain. 

You can read more on how Vulture came up with the rankings and who else made the list on their site. Way to go Superman ;)

Ever since he joined Instagram and Facebook last month, Henry has also been ranking higher on IMDb. This week he comes in at #36, with The Man from U.N.C.L.E. holding its ground as the 6th most popular movie on the site behind the latest Hunger Games, Spectre, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Go Solo! -- Hope you've already picked up your Blu-ray/DVD which is out for some of you. The UK gets it December 7th.

We're a little bit more than four months away from the release of Batman v Superman, and Henry will soon be filming Sand Castle in Jordan, so make sure to keep checking back with us. Things are about to get a lot busier around here.

Portrait: Cindy Ord/Getty Images.

Friday, November 20, 2015

'Sand Castle' Cast Almost Complete: Where Are You Henry?

As we predicted when filming began on November 1st, the Sand Castle cast has been very active on social media -- sharing pics and tweets from Jordan..

And even the goats are getting their 15 minutes of Sand Castle fame..

A video posted by Logan Marshall-Green (@elemgy) on

A photo posted by Logan Marshall-Green (@elemgy) on

A photo posted by Logan Marshall-Green (@elemgy) on

Clearly Henry is not an "Eagle.." at least not yet. And like we mentioned before, Captain Syverson is stationed in Baqubah and is not part of Nicholas Hoult's unit. However with filming set to wrap in early January, the window for Henry to arrive is getting smaller!

This week it was announced that actor Navid Negahban has joined Henry in the film. The next day he posted a pic already in Jordan..

A photo posted by navidnegahban (@navidnegahban) on

Here's a bit more on who Navid will play via The Wrap:

"Sand Castle" is based on a true story and centers on Matt Ocre (Hoult), who is part of a mission to repair a broken water system in the dangerous and unstable Iraqi village of Baqubah. While the people of Baghdad welcome the Americans as saviors, the villagers resist their presence and Matt and his unit must try to convince the community that they are part of the solution, not the problem, in order to leave the town and get out alive.

Negahban has been cast in the role of Kadeer, a local school teacher in the Iraqi village who is desperate to get his children fresh water and starts helping out Ocre as he navigates the increasingly unstable situation in the village.

Alright, that's about it for now. We're hoping the next Sand Castle update we bring you is of Henry already in Jordan! -- Have a safe weekend everyone.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Durrell TV: Henry Hangs Out With The Bats, Talks Conservation

Our congratulations are going out to Durrell Wildlife, after the launch of their latest project: Durrell TV!

We're thrilled to bring you this first episode of Durrell TV! It's a round-up of October's top stories from Durrell...
Posted by Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust on Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Today the charity posted the first episode of the series, and it includes an exclusive interview with their ambassador, and footage of Henry hanging out with the bats that live at the park on his native island of Jersey.

And what can be cuter than seeing Supes feed bats and take selfies with them?

How about naming one "Ben.."

You can keep up with Henry's work at Durrell, by visiting cavillconservation.com. Read his latest messages to fans, plus learn about the different ways you can help him save animals from extinction. And make sure to stop by the Cavill Conservation store for some great holiday gift ideas!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Henry Attends Dunhill's Spring/Summer 2016 Show In Shanghai

A photo posted by Alfred Dunhill (@alfreddunhill) on

A handsome Henry posed for the cameras, as he attended Dunhill's Spring/Summer collection presentation in Shanghai on Monday.

Image baidu.com via @super_merLUNA

Henry was there with his girlfriend Tara King, and here's a first look at them on the red carpet (loving the dress!).

The show was held at Dunhill's beautiful Twin Villas, where Henry and Tara got to check out the designer's latest fashions.

iWeek shows a glimpse of them (at about 1:14). Watch the complete video on Dunhill's FB or the quick sighting below..

You may remember Henry attended the initial bash in London back in June, and then sported Dunhill throughout The Man from U.N.C.L.E. press tour.

UPDATE 11/19: More new pics added..

iWeek via Mckiddohfan/@HWCavillBR

"The exclusive Alfred Dunhill show held in Shanghai as attended by creative director John Ray, chief executive Fabrizio Cardinali, and Superman himself, Henry Cavill — as told through Snapchats.

Superman, stop following me. I mean, I know you like my wool felt fedora — "Smart hat. Where is it from?" — but we've had our chat in the colonial Twin Villas (a grand three-storey mansion tucked into a stately Shanghai courtyard which played host to the Alfred Dunhill SS16 collection), and now, after sitting next to me at the fashion show, you've followed me to the same restaurant. And you're eating the same food. Do I need to whip out my kryptonite?*

As a friend of the house, the affable Mr Henry Cavill flew into Shanghai from London to patronise the presentation. But sporting a buzz cut, trimmed beard and, cutting a mean silhouette in a black suit, he wanders around largely unbothered by the regional media; all either too aloof, or too ignorant, to recognise that in their very midst, breathing from the same air space, is the Man of Steel himself. But such is the transformative power of fashion. Also, to be fair, he's not wearing his Clark Kent glasses."

via weibo.com/cavillnews

Closer look at their ride.. #fancy

Images: Weibo/Minoz_