UPDATE 12/24: What could be better than a new pic of Henry looking HOT on vacation? -- the swoonworthy full length version is in. Click for HQ.

Just as we were about to round up the search party, Henry has resurfaced! (think we've said this before, but seriously.. don't do that to us again, Superman!).
Kristin J: "To top off an amazing vacation, I met one of my celebrity crushes, Henry Cavill."
Should we give her our first born for sharing her awesome pic?
Last time we saw Henry he was in Deming, getting ready to wrap Batman v Superman.. THREE. WEEKS. AGO. (don't do that to us AGAAAAAIN).
Anyway, he's back and looking rested, and tanned, and tanned, and OH, SO, TANNED.. but most importantly *happy.* That's all we could wish for him this holiday season, after he worked his butt off all year in Detroit (and just wait till you see your Christmas card, Henry!).
Oh, and what about that new buzz cut? (Stratton calling!) - Here's your reaction..
@HenryCavillNews HOT!HOT!HOT! Glad you back bb
— cinthia paiva (@cinthiapaiva) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews I love it! ❤️ he looks good no matter what hairstyle tho! I'd love him even if he were bald! Lol 😂☺️
— Lisa (@LISAC2178) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews Great news !!! We missed him !!! (and I love his haircut <3<3<3)
— Céline Aubert (@Celoo48) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews Sooo handsome
— Hana (@HanaaBlossom) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews :( The one thing I love the most about him is his hair, and it’s all gone. *cries*
— TheIrrelevant88 (@TheIrrelevant88) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews It's so Charles Brandon look. And he's always good-looking, but I will miss his curls.
— Clémentine (@Catmenteen) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews Thank you for the share of the new pic! Loving the short hair, the tan and that sweet smile! ❤️
— Lisa Eise (@summerwind16) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews I loved 😍😍😍 OMG😘
— Just Michele☺ (@ninadeorommr) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews when you look at him smiling, you forget anything else!
— Alexandra (@alexandrasp313) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews I love him unconditionally :))) <3 Just him, whatever he is <3 Thank you so much for the sharing :)
— Céline Aubert (@Celoo48) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews I love it! Better than Superman hair.
— Staci (@bohemianclassic) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews He looks amazing!! 😍
— samantha musco (@queenfaesami) December 22, 2014
@HenryCavillNews love love love the new 'do'
— Marina Talay (@MarinaTalay) December 22, 2014
Thanks for your feedback everyone, and as always thanks to Henry for realizing we cannot live without those fan pics. Seriously.. don't do that to us again. Hope you're enjoying your time off!
Wow. There. Is. Absolutely. Nothing. Wrong. With. Him.
ReplyDeleteHandsome and beautiful all combined into one. Just stunning.
ReplyDelete*hoooowwwls* there he is... finally. looking yummy as ever
ReplyDeleteI live again ! "Don't do that to us again" repeated 3 times. I so agree with you. These 3 last weeks, I realised how much I am addicted of Henry. Hopefully, it had the story with the mosquito which made me laugh :-) . Today, news from Henry ! I'm feeling good. I'm seeing his rested face, his beautiful smile, his tan and ... his new cut !!! J'adore. I like his curls of course but the Charles Brandon's look is back and it's a very good news. ( Go Stratton !) He has so deserved this sunny vacation . Enjoy it Henry. Happy Christmass ! Thank Kristin J for sharing this pic.
Sweet Jesus. He is so stinkin good looking He buzzed his hair after he finished MOS too. Easiest way to get the hair dye out. GORGEOUS! He looks so relaxed. Good for him.
ReplyDeleteOmg , anonymous 9.51 you sad cruel person. Have you lost your way in life ? Do you need help ? How can you be so evil ? You really need help before you hurt someone.
ReplyDeleteHenry rise above it ( sticks and stones)
"Henry rise above it"
Deletehe shall - he will. He only just stepped into the limelight and ain't nobody gonna put baby back in the corner.
Sorry about that you guys, Henry. We try and delete those as soon as they go up. We are keeping an archive of those deleted posts and should it become necessary dealing with this appropriately. Thanks for your support!
DeleteSomeone told me:
DeleteDon't make excuses for nasty people.
You can't put a flower in an ass hole and expect to call it a vase.
All of us here want what's best for Henry as he seems like a genuinely nice person...and a treat for the eyes doesn't hurt!😉
Love the new hair cut! I wish Henry and HCN happy holidays! Thanks for the updates and fun, everyone. (y) :) <3 And to Henry and his girl/family...All the best...Happy Holidays...Merry Christmas/Hannukah, Etc.... <3 <3 <3 :)
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know where the photo was taken (city, country)?
ReplyDeleteHenry is looking gorgeous as usual..he is in training in Salt Lake City with Michael Blevins for Stratton..which he begins filming very soon...his hot new haircut is for his new role..he met this lovely lady there..merry Christmas to all
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 9.51, a good person will " learn to love without condition. Talk without bad intention. Give without any reason. And most of all, care for people without any expectation." Henry, life is too short to stress yourself over people who don't deserve to be an issue in your life.
ReplyDeleteAnd anonymous 9.51, people sometimes build walls not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.
Henry is a good man & he doesn't have to answer to you or people like you... J.O
I had read by the Stratton author that he was supposed to start training in the UK somewhere by the end of this year with some elite military group. My guess in this picture is in St Thomas based on the short sleeves.
ReplyDeleteM :)
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